full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism

Unscramble the Blue Letters

There's about 100 poeple each year in the U.S. and more in other countries who do that. I was peaesld to read it. Chris went on to say that he'd been influenced by my wirgitns in what he did. Well, I have to admit, I'm also somewhat embarrassed by that, because I still have two kidneys. But cirhs went on to say that he didn't think that what he'd done was all that amazing, because he calculated that the number of life-years that he had added to people, the extension of life, was about the same that you could achieve if you gave 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation. And that did make me feel a little bit better, because I have given more than 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation and to various other effective ctiaehirs.

Open Cloze

There's about 100 ______ each year in the U.S. and more in other countries who do that. I was _______ to read it. Chris went on to say that he'd been influenced by my ________ in what he did. Well, I have to admit, I'm also somewhat embarrassed by that, because I still have two kidneys. But _____ went on to say that he didn't think that what he'd done was all that amazing, because he calculated that the number of life-years that he had added to people, the extension of life, was about the same that you could achieve if you gave 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation. And that did make me feel a little bit better, because I have given more than 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation and to various other effective _________.


  1. pleased
  2. writings
  3. people
  4. charities
  5. chris

Original Text

There's about 100 people each year in the U.S. and more in other countries who do that. I was pleased to read it. Chris went on to say that he'd been influenced by my writings in what he did. Well, I have to admit, I'm also somewhat embarrassed by that, because I still have two kidneys. But Chris went on to say that he didn't think that what he'd done was all that amazing, because he calculated that the number of life-years that he had added to people, the extension of life, was about the same that you could achieve if you gave 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation. And that did make me feel a little bit better, because I have given more than 5,000 dollars to the Against Malaria Foundation and to various other effective charities.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
children dying 4
effective altruist 4
guide dog 4
blind person 3
malaria foundation 3
morally relevant 2
effective altruism 2
melinda gates 2
effective altruists 2
gates foundation 2
toby ord 2
global poverty 2
charlie bresler 2
graduate student 2
effective charities 2
effective animal 2
work hard 2

Important Words

  1. achieve
  2. added
  3. admit
  4. amazing
  5. bit
  6. calculated
  7. charities
  8. chris
  9. countries
  10. dollars
  11. effective
  12. embarrassed
  13. extension
  14. feel
  15. foundation
  16. gave
  17. influenced
  18. kidneys
  19. life
  20. malaria
  21. number
  22. people
  23. pleased
  24. read
  25. writings
  26. year